Working with Cell Content

Locking/Unlocking Cells

You can lock a cell or several cells to protect their content from editing. The locked cells will have a small yellow lock in the bottom right corner.

For this purpose, you need to use the lockCell method and pass three parameters to it:

  • row - (number) the row ID
  • column - (number) the column ID
  • state - (boolean) true to lock a cell, false to unlock it
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet
// locks the cell at the intersection of the 3rd row and 2nd column
$$("ssheet").lockCell(3, 2, true, "Sheet1");

You can also lock/unlock several cells at a time with the lockCell method. Call it with different parameters:

  • first - (object) the row and column numbers of the first cell in the range
  • last - (object) the row and column numbers of the last cell in the range
  • state - (boolean) true to lock a cell, false to unlock it
// locks 7 cells in the 2nd row
$$("ssheet").lockCell({ row:2, column:1 }, { row:2, column:7 }, true);
// locks 7 cells in the 2nd column
$$("ssheet").lockCell({ row:1, column:2 }, { row:7, column:2 }, true);
// locks 10 cells in the 1st and 2nd rows
$$("ssheet").lockCell({ row:1, column:1 }, { row:2, column:5 }, true);

In case the cell/cells to lock aren't specified, the method will lock the selected cell.

Related sample:  Lock cells

Changing the default styling of locked cells

You can modify the default styling of locked cells, by disabling yellow locks and applying some background color via CSS:

    content:" ";
  .webix_lock {

Related sample:  Styling locked cells

Checking the state of a cell

You can check, whether a cell is locked, with the help of the isCellLocked method.

It takes two parameters:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet

and returns true, if the cell is locked and false if it's unlocked.

var isLocked = $$("ssheet").isCellLocked(3, 2);

Adding an Editor into a Cell

It's possible to add an editor into a cell of the sheet. It can include either some custom options or values of a cell range. You can also explicitly specify whether to add an empty option.

Use the setCellEditor to do it. The method expects three parameters:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • editorObject - (object) an object with two properties:
    • editor - (string) the editor type (ss_richselect, popup, excel_date, text)
    • options - (string,array) (the parameter is used if the editor is of the ss_richselect type) a range of cell references or an array of editor options
    • empty - (boolean) specifies whether to add an empty option
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet
$$("ss1").setCellEditor(8, 1, { 
    options:["One", "Two", "Three"] 
    }, "Sheet1");
// or
$$("ss1").setCellEditor(8, 2, { 
    }, "Sheet1");

Getting the cell editor

You can get the editor set in a cell with the help of the getCellEditor method.

The method takes the following parameters:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet
$$("ss1").getCellEditor(8, 1, "Sheet1");

It will return an object with two properties:

  • editor - (string) the type of the editor (ss_richselect, popup, excel_date, text)
  • options - (string,array) a range of cell references or an array of editor options
{ editor:"ss_richselect", options:["One","Two","Three"] }
// or
{ editor:"ss_richselect", options:"B3:B7" }

Related sample:  Dropdowns

Adding Checkboxes and Radio buttons into a Cell

You can add checkboxes and radio buttons into cells, mark them and check their states with the help of the corresponding SpreadSheet API methods.

To add checkboxes in a cell, use the addCheckbox method. To add radio buttons in a cell, use the addRadio method. Both methods take as a parameter an object with the start and end cells of the range to add checkboxes or radio buttons into:

  • start - (object) an object with the start cell of the range set as {row:id, column:id}
  • end - (object) an object with the end cell of the range set as {row:id, column:id}
    start:{row:1, column:1}, 
    end:{row:3, column:1}
    start:{row:1, column:3}, 
    end:{row:3, column:3}

Checking checkboxes and radio buttons

To mark a checkbox, apply the markCheckbox method. To mark a radio button, make use of the markRadio method. Both methods take two parameters:

  • row - (number) the row ID
  • column - (number) the column ID

Getting the state of checkboxes and radio buttons

If you need to get the state of a checkbox or a radio button, you can apply the getCellValue method to the necessary cell:

const isChecked = $$("ssheet").getCellValue(1, 1, false); 
// -> 1 - checked, 0 - unchecked

Another way to check the state is to refer to the cell with the necessary checkbox or radio button via the setCellValue method in a different cell. You will get 1, if the checkbox/radio button is marked and 0, if it isn't marked. For example:

// getting the state of the radio button from the cell A1 in the cell B1

You can also specify a more complex condition, e.g. to use some text that will be rendered in the resulting cell, depending on the state of the checkbox or radio button in the referred cell:

// getting the state of the radio button from the cell A2 in the cell A5
$$("ssheet").setCellValue(5,1,"=IF(A2,\"A2 marked\", \"A2 is not marked\")");

Filtering Cells Values

Setting a filter in a cell

You can set a filter inside of a cell. This is how you can add a filter from the UI:

The setCellFilter method will help you to set a filter via the API. You need to pass the following parameters to this method:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • filterObject - (object) the filter object that can have the following properties:
    • options (string, array) - a range of cells references the values of which will be filtered or an array of filter options
    • mode (string) - filter mode. If not specified takes the type from the first not empty cell in the column
    • value (object) - sets a filter value. Call the filterSpreadSheet to invoke the filter.
    • lastRow (number) -a cell where the filtering will stop. If not specified, filtration will stop at the first empty cell that comes up
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet
// an array of options
$$("ss1").setCellFilter(1, 2, {
    options: ["", "Europe", "Asia", "America"],
    mode: "text",
    value: values,
    lastRow: 3
}, "Sheet1");
// a range of cells references
$$("ss1").setCellFilter(2, 2, {
    options: "B3:B7",
    mode: "text",
    value: values,
    lastRow: 3
}, "Sheet1");

It is possible to specify a range of cells references the values of which will be filtered or an array of filter options as a third parameter instead of the filter object:

$$("ssheet").setCellFilter(2,1, ["", "Europe", "Asia", "America"] );
// or
$$("ssheet").setCellFilter(2,2, "B3:B7");

Related sample:  Filters

Getting the cell filter

To get a filter set in a cell, make use of the getCellFilter method. It takes the following parameters:

  • row - (number) the row id
  • column - (number) the column id
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet

and returns an object with a set of options and the IDs of the row and column:

  • options - (string/array) a string or an array with the filter option(s)
  • row - (number) the ID of the row
  • column - (number) the ID of the column

Check the example below:

$$("ssheet").getCellFilter(2, 1, "Sheet1"); 
// -> { options: Array(4), row: 2, column: 1 }

Sorting Cells Values

SpreadSheet allows you to sort values within a selected or specified range of cells via the sortRange method. You can pass two optional parameters to it:

  • range - (string) optional, the range of cells that should be sorted, null to sort the selected range
  • dir - (string) optional, the sorting direction: "asc" or "desc" ("asc" by default)
// sorts the specified range in the default ("asc") order
// sorts the specifed range in the descending order
$$("ssheet").sortRange("B2:B4", "desc");
// sorts the selected range in the descending order

Related sample:  Sorting

Validating Cells Content

There is a possibility to add a validation rule for the content of a cell. A validation rule can be added to a cell through the SpreadSheet interface, namely: via the Validation button on the Toolbar:

or via the Menu or Context Menu options. A click on the "Add data validation" option will open a dialog popup:

This popup contains a set of validation rule types and their attrubutes. After a user adds a validation rule to a cell, a click on it will call a textarea with the rule details:

Each validation rule includes a number of parameters:

  • the row id
  • the column id
  • the validation rule
  • the number of the page where the cell is placed

A validation rule can have one of the following types:

  • "any" (a cell can have any content)
  • "date"
  • "number"
  • "text"
  • "textLength"
  • "range" (to validate data among a range of cells)

Depending on the type of the rule, it can have the following attributes:

  • Integers only - (for the number type) for accepting only integer numbers
  • Ignore empty - to ignore/ not ignore empty cells
  • Condition - the condition that will be applied. Depending on the rule type, may include the following values:
    • greater
    • less
    • greater or equal
    • less or equal
    • equal
    • not equal
    • between
    • not between
    • contains
    • not contains
    • begins with
    • not begins with
    • ends with
    • not ends with
  • Value - a value or an array of two values (for the rules like "between/not between") that should be compared to the value of the specified cell
  • Input message - a popup with the text specified in this property will be shown on selection of a cell
  • Error handle - the way of handling an error (in the corresponding confirm box):
    • "stop" - doesn't allow setting an incorrect value
    • "warning" - allows cancelling the set value
    • "information" - an box informing that the value is not valid
  • Error title - the header of the confirm box with an error
  • Error message - the text of the confirm box with an error

Validation API

You can specify validation rules for a cell directly in a data source.

For this purpose, use the validation module of the data object. You can specify a set of validation rules in one array:

data.validation = [
            "type": "number",
            "integer": 1,
            "empty": 1,
            "condition": "greater",
            "value": "0",
            "inputMessage": "Rules:\n\n- integer greater than 0\n- include empty",
            "errorHandle": "info",
            "errorTitle": "Incorrect data!",
            "errorMessage": "Should be integer greater than 0!"
            "type": "date",
            "empty": 0,
            "condition": "greater",
            "value": "45292",
            "inputMessage": "Rules:\n\n- date after 01/01/2024\n- exclude empty",
            "errorHandle": "stop",
            "errorTitle": "Incorrect data!",
            "errorMessage": "Should be date after 01/01/2024!"

The validation collection also allows you to manage validation rules:

  • add/remove validation rules
  • get validation rules of the specified cell
  • add/remove highlighting for cells with applied validation rules

Add a validation rule to a cell

You can add a validation rule to a cell by using the validation.add(row, column, rule, page) method. It takes the following parameters:

  • row (number) - the row ID
  • column (number) - the column ID
  • rule (object) - the validation rule. Has the following attributes:
    • type (string) - the validation criteria. It can be: "any" (a cell can have any content), "date", "number", "text", "textLength", "range" (to validate data among a cells range)
    • integer (boolean) - (for the number type only) true for accepting integer numbers only
    • ignoreEmpty (boolean) - true to ignore/ not ignore empty cells
    • condition (string) - a condition for validation
    • value (string/array) - a value or an array of two values (for the rules like "between/not between") that should be compared to the value of the specified cell
    • inputMessage (string) - a popup with the text specified in this property will be shown on selection of a cell
    • errorHandle (string) - the way of handling an error (in the corresponding confirm box):
      • "stop" - doesn't allow setting an incorrect value
      • "warning" - allows cancelling the set value
      • "information" - an box informing that the value is not valid
    • errorTitle (string) - the header of the confirm box with an error
    • errorMessage (string) - the text of the confirm box with an error
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, applies the method to the current sheet
// adding a validation rule for the cell B3 of the page 2
      "type": "number",
      "integer": 1,
      "empty": 1,
      "condition": "greater",
      "value": "0",
      "inputMessage": "Rules:\n\n- integer greater than 0\n- include empty",
      "errorHandle": "info",
      "errorTitle": "Incorrect data!",
      "errorMessage": "Should be integer greater than 0!"

Remove a validation rule from a cell

To remove the applied validation rule from a cell, use the validation.remove(row, column, page) method. It takes the following parameters:

  • row (number) - the row ID
  • column (number) - the column ID
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, applies the method to the current sheet
// removing the validation rule from the cell B3 on page 2
$$("ssheet").validation.remove(3, 2, "Sheet1");

Get the validation rule of the specified cell

To get the validation rule applied to a cell, use the validation.get(row, column, page) method. It takes the following parameters:

  • row (number) - the row ID
  • column (number) - the column ID
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, applies the method to the current sheet
// getting the validation rule of the cell B3 on page 2
$$("ssheet").validation.get(3, 2, "Sheet1");

Add/remove highlighting of cells with validation rules

You can add/remove highlighting to/from a cell with applied validation rules. Use the validation.highlight(state, page) method. It takes the following parameters:

  • state (boolean/"toggle") - true if highlighting for cells with validation rules is enabled
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, applies the method to the current sheet
// removing highlighting from cells with applied validation rules from the page 2
$$("ssheet").validation.highlight(false, "Sheet1");

Adding Sparklines into a Cell

You can add a small chart into a cell to display tendencies of data values changing in a range of cells.

To insert a sparkline inside of a cell, use the addSparkline method with the following parameters:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • config - (object) the sparkline configuration that have the properties below:
    • type - (string) the type of an added sparkline
    • data - (string) the range of cells the values of which will be displayed in the sparkline
    • color - (string) the color of a sparkline either in a hex format or as a color name
    • negativeColor - (string) the color of a negative value for a Bar sparkline
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, the method is applied to the current sheet
$$("ssheet").addSparkline(rowId, columnId, config, page);

Let's insert a blue sparkline of the Line type into the cell E5. The passed parameters will be as follows:

$$("ssheet").addSparkline(5, 5, {type:"line", range:"B4:E4", color:"#6666FF"});

Related sample:  Adding sparklines

Adding Image in a Cell

You can add an image into a cell to illustrate data in the spreadsheet.

To insert an image into a cell, use the addImage method. You need to pass the following parameters to this method:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • url - (string) the URL of an image
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, the method is applied to the current sheet
$$("ssheet").addImage(2,3, "", "Sheet1");

Related sample:  Adding images

Adding Comments into Cells

There is a possibility to add a comment into a certain cell of SpreadSheet.

Add comment in a cell

Use the add() method of the comments object. It takes three parameters:

  • rowId - (number) the row id
  • columnId - (number) the column id
  • comment - (string) the text of a comment
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet. If not specified, the method is applied to the current sheet
// adding a comment into the cell B3
$$("ssheet").comments.add(3, 2, "text", "Sheet1");

The API of the comments object also makes it possible to get a comment of a particular cell or to delete a comment that is no longer needed:

// getting a comment for the cell B3 of Sheet1
$$("ssheet").comments.get(3, 2, "Sheet1");
// removing a comment from the cell B3 of Sheet1
$$("ssheet").comments.remove(3, 2, "Sheet1");

Using Placeholders

You can specify what data will be displayed in the SpreadSheet cells by using placeholders.

A placeholder is an object with data properties which can be set as SpreadSheet values. To define a placeholder use the setPlaceholder method:

$$("ssheet").setPlaceholder({value:"France", expense:1366, income:842});

To specify a placeholder's property in a cell instead of a value, use the ={{property}} construction. For example, for cells with the "expense" values you should specify placeholders as "={{expense}}".

If you specify a new placeholder for a SpreadSheet, values of all cells where properties of this placeholder are defined will be updated.

$$("ssheet").setPlaceholder({value:"Poland", expense:684, income:781});

Related sample:  Placeholders

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