
creates a select filter

void setCellFilter(number rowId,number columnId,object filterObject, [string page] );
rowIdnumberthe row id
columnIdnumberthe column id
filterObjectobjectfilter object
pagestringoptional, the name of the sheet


const values = {/* your custom values */}
// an array of options
$$("ss1").setCellFilter(1, 2, {
    options: ["", "Europe", "Asia", "America"],
    mode: "text",
    value: values,
    lastRow: 3
}, "Sheet1");

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The filter object can have the following properties:

  • options (string, array) - a range of cells references the values of which will be filtered or an array of filter options
  • mode (string) - filter mode. If not specified takes the type from the first not empty cell in the column
  • value (object) - sets a filter value. Call the filterSpreadSheet to invoke the filter.
  • lastRow (number) -a cell where the filtering will stop. If not specified, filtration will stop at the first empty cell that comes up.

It is possible to specify a range of cells references the values of which will be filtered or an array of filter options as a third parameter instead of the filter object:

$$("ssheet").setCellFilter(2,1, ["", "Europe", "Asia", "America"] );
// or
$$("ssheet").setCellFilter(2,2, "B3:B7");

You can pass null as a third parameter. In this case the filter will be removed from the cell.

See also
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