
returns the editor set in a cell

object getCellEditor(number row,number column, [string page] );
rownumberthe row id
columnnumberthe column id
pagestringoptional, the name of the sheet
objectan object with editor type and a set of options (see the details)


// setting a cell editor
$$("ss1").setCellEditor(8, 1, {
    editor: "ss_richselect", 
    options: ["One","Two","Three"]
    }, "Sheet1");
// getting the cell editor
$$("ss1").getCellEditor(8, 1, "Sheet1"); 
// -> { editor:"ss_richselect", options: ["One","Two","Three"] }

Related samples


The returned object contains two properties:

  • editor - (string) the type of the editor
  • options - (string,array) an array of editor options or a range of cell references
{ editor:"ss_richselect", options:["One","Two","Three"] }
// or
{ editor:"ss_richselect", options:"B3:B7" }
See also
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