Version 10.3

released on August 28, 2024

See also What's New of complex widgets:

Breaking Changes

  • DatePicker: the format configuration option could be set as a function in previous versions.
    Now it should be specified either as a string or as an object. When set as an object, the config has the get and set properties that can be set either as functions, or as strings.

New Features



  • Chat: improved access to built-in event handlers for server messages
  • Diagram: diagram zoom cuts off parts of the graph
  • Pivot: a complex function gives an incorrect result with the values smaller than 1
  • Scheduler: dynamic loading skips the 1st week, if webix.Date.startOnMonday is set to true and a month starts from Sunday
  • Scheduler: a new event isn't shown in the Units view
  • SpreadSheet: cell editing in iOS
  • SpreadSheet: issues with multi-sheet cut/paste operations
  • SpreadSheet: styles are not copied to a separate sheet
  • SpreadSheet: copying from one spreadsheet and pasting into another
  • SpreadSheet: navigation with arrow keys doesn't work after applying color to a cell
  • SpreadSheet: merged cells are pasted in one cell
  • SpreadSheet: print borders with spans are not visible
  • SpreadSheet: error in the ROUND function containing a negative number
  • SpreadSheet: exporting SpreadSheet with a custom skin to Excel
  • SpreadSheet: the outdated state of frozen rows in the onAction params for "freeze-row"
  • SpreadSheet: the Scatter type of sparkline is removed from the list, since it hasn't been supported
  • SpreadSheet: the readonly mode for filters, toolbar and menu
  • SpreadSheet: a space in the price format
  • SpreadSheet: (selection) dragging the corner handle doesn't work if a SpreadSheet has been scrolled
  • DataLayout can't pass data to elements inside the Accordion item
  • Dashboard: returning false in the factory crashes restore()
  • Dynamic UI rebuilding does not work for MultiView
  • The onBeforeEditStop event can't handle popup editors
  • SideMenu with context and selection
  • MultiView with the enabled keepViews config does not add PDFViewer properly
  • Incorrect work of the elementsConfig property of Form
  • Incorrect value of a checkbox in Property Sheet
  • Timeline: details do not always appear with the height:"auto" setting specified
  • A typo in the French locale
  • Incorrect behavior when the cursor hovers over the resizer line
  • Daterange: time of the end date is not displayed properly
  • Radio button with empty options/no options breaks UI rendering
  • DataTable: incorrect work of the inputConfig property
  • DataTable: zeros are not displayed when using webix.print()
  • The onItemSingleClick event doesn't work for DataView
  • MultiCombo disappears when the window is closed with Escape while the suggest list is opened
  • Extra filter icons in the headermenu items
  • The label and placeholder properties of Bullet Graph ignore the change of value
  • DOMException is thrown when validating the Text control with the type "number"
  • The adjustRowHeight method ignores complex templates
  • The DashBoard panel border disappears on minimizing the panel
  • webix.Date.strToDate can't parse ISO 8601 simple
  • DatePicker: the format set as a string with the type: "month"/"year" doesn't apply correctly
  • Filter-related memory leaks
  • Custom scroll-related memory leak
  • Handling errors within GraphQL proxy
  • Wrong "placeholder" CSS style in the minified version
  • Complex widgets: checking whether a CSS class name starts with the prefix of a complex widget instead of checking the whole class name is implemented
  • Export to Excel: Incorrect value displaying when a Spreadsheet cell on Sheet B contains reference to an empty cell on Sheet A
  • Export to Excel: Calling toExcel() in the Numbers editor (iOS/macOS) results in replacing empty values with zeroes
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